LogosClient Remote

LogosClient Remote is your gateway to the Logos Server automatic translation system. From your Microsoft Windows environment, LogosClient Remote sends documents to Logos Server via modem and retrieves fully translated documents in return. You can obtain remarkably high translation quality by assigning multiple levels of dictionaries and Subject Matter Codes. With LogosClient Remote, you don't need to own Logos Server - you simply pay for the number of words you translate.

LogosClient Remote Brings Power Home

LogosClient Remote gives you access to the sophisticated power of the Logos Intelligent Translation System from the comfort of your own home or office. You don't need to invest time and money in maintaining a UNIX Server. With LogosClient Remote you can take advantage of the most powerful automatic translation system available. LogosClient Remote is your affordable translation solution.

Using LogosClient Remote

From your favorite word processor, you simply access LogosClient Remote and send your document by modem to Logos Server for automatic translation. Logos Server automatically translates your document by applying multiple User-customizable dictionaries and a rich semantic database. With LogosClient Remote, you can even submit your own glossaries for optimized translation results. Once Logos Server has completed the translation, the document may then be retrieved and opened in your favorite word processor for final edit. Your translated document arrives with formatting and layout intact. Following translation, your credit card is billed for the words that were translated.

Logos Protects Your Privacy

Logos provides you with complete document protection. After you retrieve your translated document, it is automatically deleted from the Logos system, along with any glossaries and any User Dictionaries you may have submitted. This prohibits anyone else from viewing, transferring, or distributing any document or glossary you have submitted for use.

Easily Incorporate Your Glossaries

With LogosClient you can easily use your pre-existing glossaries. The system will automatically convert them to Logos format for immediate use within the automatic translation process. This means that right from the start your terminology will show up in translations.

Terminology Search Gives You Accuracy

The more exact your dictionary, the more accurate your automatic translation will be. Terminology Search will tell you which words in your document need to be added to the dictionary. It will also give you all words found in the dictionary and present you with their corresponding translations for your approval and/or edit. Terminology Search is a powerful feature which gives you everything you need to know in order to maximize the quality of your translation job.

Pattern Matching Saves You Time

The Logos Pattern Matcher fine-tunes your document for translation. More powerful than a simple search and replace tool, the Pattern Matcher identifies text in your document that is to be "protected" and/or "replaced" during the translation process. For example, company names, part numbers, product names, acronyms, proper names etc. all can be protected before submitting your job. This eliminates repetitious manual operations normally used in document preparation and reduces post-editing of your document.

How to Use LogosClient

Once you have created a document, you send it for translation to Logos Server by using the submit function of LogosClient.

When the LogosClient window appears, you can then choose a hierarchy of Company and Subject Matter Dictionaries to be applied to your translation job. You can also send glossaries and Pattern Matcher files at this time. These options will guide the automatic translation process on the Logos Server. When all options have been selected, you simply click on the "Submit" button and the document will be sent by modem to the Logos Server for translation. Now, you can move on to other business while Logos does all of the work of draft translation.

To retrieve your translation, you simply dial Logos Server once again by selecting the "LogosClient Retrieve" command and then pressing the "Connect" button on the LogosClient Retrieve window. Your translated document will arrive with all formatting intact, ready for polishing. You may then post-edit and refine the document according to your own requirements.

When you install LogosClient Remote, you will be asked to enter your credit card information for approval. This process needs only to be done once and afterwards your translation charges will be automatically billed to your card when your translation is retrieved. You pay only a nominal fee per word for the words that have been translated.

Seven Language Pairs Give You Choices:

ENGLISH TO French Italian German Spanish
GERMAN TO English French Italian

Software support

The following software packages or file formats are currently supported by LogosClient in their English and German versions:

Under UNIX:

Interleaf 5.3, 6.0
FrameMaker (MIF 3.0, 4.0) 3.1, 4.0, 5.0
Arbortext Publisher (SGML ISO 8879)
Softquad (SGML ISO 8879)

Under Microsoft Windows:

Interleaf 6.0
FrameMaker 3.1, 4.0, 5.0
Word for Windows 2.0, 6.0
Word for Windows 95x 7.0
Word Pro (AmiPro 3.1)
WordPerfect 5.2, 6.0
XL8 for Logos 1.7
Optimizer for Logos 2.1

The Logos Family of Translation Products:

Logos Server
LogosClient for LAN
LogosClient Remote
Alex for Windows

LogosClient Remote Requirements

Valid VISA, MasterCard or American Express bank cards.

Minimum Software Requirements:

Logos Corp. Logos Server, v. 7.7.3
Microsoft Corp. Windows v. 3.1, 3.11 or Microsoft Corp. Windows 95
Network Compatibility: Any Network connected to a Sun SPARCstation

Minimum hardware requirements:

IBM compatible PC with a 386 processor, connected via LAN to the UNIX server
2 MB free disk space
3.5" (1.44 MB) diskette drive (local)
VGA or higher resolution monitor

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